It's a Community Commitment

As members of the Temple University community it is our duty and responsibility to take action and assist those students who show any type of behavior that could threaten the safety or the well-being of the university community.  We all play a vital role in ensuring the safety of fellow Owls.  The CARE team strongly encourages you to utilize its referral services to continue to better our students and to further enhance our community.  Please know the success of this process hinges on community commitment to reporting concerns.  

Signs of Concern

Physical signs

  • Significant changes in energy
  • Frequent state of intoxication
  • Significant weight loss
  • Worrisome changes in hygiene
  • Noticeable cuts, bruises or burns
  • Sleeping in class/other inappropriate times

Emotional signs

  • Inappropriate emotional outbursts
  • Direct statements indicating distress
  • Expressions of hopelessness or suicide
  • Peer concerns for another student
  • Exaggerated personality traits (more withdrawn or animated than usual)

Academic signs

  • Deterioration in academic work
  • Disorganized or erratic performance
  • Repeated absences and missed assignments
  • Ranting or threatening emails
  • Continual seeking of special provisions

Important to note

  • Any of these behaviors in isolation may not signal a major problem
  • If you are unsure whether a behavior should be referred to the CARE team, please call to discuss the circumstances

To Make A Referral Click Here